The job fair hosted by the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM) and the ICT Academy of Kerala was a successful endeavour. Around 1500 candidates from various disciplines attended the fest on the 17th of December held at Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences in Kakkanad, Ernakulam. Following the job fair, 66 candidates were hired by reputed firms, and 456 others were shortlisted for the next round of hiring.
The fair attracted nearly forty companies, including many well-established IT firms such as NeST Digital, Global Surf, E.J. Gates, Testing Mavens, Shell Square Software, Camino, etc. These employers had raised a total of 170 job openings. On the day of the job fair itself they have conducted nearly 1800 interviews for variable job titles in both virtual and physical modes. In addition to job positions in the IT and electronics industry, vacancies were there for IT-related positions in banking, financial services, insurance, education, telecom, supply chain, logistics, etc.
The Feedbacks
The job fair was helpful to the final-year UG/PG and pass-out students and candidates having a career break. “The job fair made a big difference,” said Mr. Fasil P.M., a candidate hired as a PHP developer at Techoriz Digital Academy. “I’ve got a job with a better salary that meets my expectations. They also stated that they would provide a competitive pay package following the probationary term. Right now, I’m satisfied with this job.” he added.
“We are delighted to announce that Camino has hired 40 skilled candidates, mostly python developers, on the same day of the job fair,” said Ms. Athira S.J., Associate Key Relations, ICTAK.
The CEO of Camino has said, “Even though the applicants are freshmen, all are energetic and have high potential and caliber in their respective fields. The organizers were amazing, and they seamlessly coordinated job interviews and the entire event.”
Renu Abraham, the HR and Talent Associate of Kovenantz Technologies, remarked, “It was a wonderful opportunity for us to be part of the job fair organized by ICTAK on behalf of the KKEM. We’ve interviewed many young, talented minds at the job fair, and from the shortlisted pool, we chose a few for positions available in our company. We also offered final-year students a three-month internship, and if they are qualified, we will offer them permanent jobs.”
For job seekers, it was a moment of fulfillment, and for the ICT academy, it was a proud moment. Through the job fair, the ICT Academy of Kerala opened doors for young people seeking employment opportunities.
Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission, KKEM, Job Fair, Career Fair, Events
The job fair conducted on December 17 by the ICT Academy of Kerala and the Kerala Knowledge Economy Mission (KKEM) turned out to be a fruitful endeavour. Among the 1500 attendees of the job fair held at Rajagiri College of Management and Applied Sciences in Kakkanad, Ernakulam, 66 candidates got hired on the same date, and 456 others moved to the next round of selection. Over forty renowned IT companies participated in the fair.