In the renowned Bollywood movie ‘Three Idiots,’ made in 2009, when Rancho (The character played by Amir Khan) explains what a machine is, everybody laughs it off even though his explanation was the simplest way to elucidate it. After 13 years, the machine world has changed and advanced rapidly. Technologies ranging from nanochips to artificial intelligence (AI) are now running the devices. The programming languages we use in gadgets, particularly computers, are evolving by the second. In this scenario, one may not be able to understand what the changes are unless they have a Rancho in their lives. 

Tech Talk

By comprehending the muddle regarding technologies, the ICT Academy of Kerala (ICTAK) plans to conduct a series of talk shows to discuss present-day technologies. Tech Talk sessions will happen at the ICTAK HQ in T’puram, where experts in various technologies and industries will interact on a topic, and participants can join virtually. It includes emerging technological fields like Machine learning & Artificial Intelligence (ML/AI), SEO, Cyber Security (CS), Full Stack Development (FSD), Software Testing (ST), and DSA. The talk show is proposed to be conducted twice a week starting in late October 2022. The talk show also features a Q&A section where the participants can interact online and clear their doubts.

The first episode

26th Oct marked the first footprint of the talk show series. Mr. Dhanith Krishna, Manager Pentest and RT Lead, EY, spoke about ‘Cyber Security – is it a myth?’. Despite the virtual setting, the talk garnered a good response with nearly fifty attendees. During the session and the Q&A that followed, the audience members gained additional knowledge about cyber security from the expert. The discussion began with an introduction, followed by the speaker’s talk. 

The session was engaging and informative, with the speaker sharing his insights and experience in the field of cyber security. “Cyberspace benefits ordinary people in more ways than we can comprehend,” Dhanith remarked. “Cyber security is all about securely surfing the internet,” he responded when asked what cyber security is.

On November 2nd, there will be another session, ‘Demystifying Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence,’ where participants can learn about ML/AI. Mr. Abhimanyu K.S., Senior Software Engineer, Artificial Intelligence, QuEST Global, will speak at the session. The software testing talk show is set for November 5th. The FSD, DSA, and SEO sessions will take place on the 9th, 12th, and 16th of November, respectively. 

As the world evolves, technology advances, causing a revolution today. Many people are coming up with new invention ideas. Every day, a new law is passed to change how we connect to the internet, or a new app is created to make our lives easier. We have only seen the tip of the iceberg, but from here on, we will have endless possibilities that technology can give us. And this series of talk shows might help the participants to understand and contribute to the prospects. 

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